like petting a tiger<3
Once when I was going through a difficult time, I had a friend tell me,
"No fear- just like petting a tiger."
Just that thought alone changed how I felt, and I was immediately connected to my inner power and sense of calm.
The truth is, that is all it ever takes - to change how you feel and what you feel you are capable of... Focusing on a mantra, the breath or a visualization (intentionally or received from another source) can all have an immediate effect on our frequency, which effects every cell in our bodies. Energetic vibrations penetrate through to the atma (soul) and the subtle energy fields surrounding our bodies~ where physical problems manifest first.
frequency=rates of vibration
matter= vibrations at different speeds
Changing the ::rate of vibration:: > Change the ::matter:: (YOU!) :):)
Do you use mantras to focus your mind or intentionally attract certain qualities or outcomes in your life?
Sanskrit was not a language that was created arbitrarily. It was designed based on the science of sound and the energetic or vibrational effects of each sound.
If you are familiar with cymatics, you know that each sound and frequency has a specific vibrational effect, and that it is consistent each time. So when we repeat mantras in Sanskrit, we are creating specific vibrations, which can be amplified by our intentions. It is thought that practicing with a mantra for 40 days will re-align your body and soul to the mantra's vibration. This is known scientifically as the process of entrainment~ the same 'phenomenon' that causes cuckoo clocks all set at different times to re-set themselves on their own so that after a period of time together they will all "cuckoo" at once.
If you are not familiar with any mantras in Sanskrit or if you are unsure how to begin to use mantras in your daily life, there are a couple of simple ways to choose-- Either look over a list of mantras and choose the one that resonates most with you (Which one makes you feel the best when you say it?) - or you can search for a mantra by the intention or meaning of the mantra, so you could use a mantra for protection or to attract abundance, love or good luck:)
You can also use a mantra in English if you feel more comfortable or if a phrase has an especially sentimental/deep to the heart meaning to it~ as focusing on anything will invoke it's frequency, especially when it has strong ties to our hearts.
This is why it's helpful to focus your mind on the intention of your mantra or to visualize that you already have what you want to attract. Sound is a powerful way to entrain our bodies or souls to a specific vibration, but our minds and our souls are the most powerful tuning fork of all - so when we combine the two, that's where the magic happens...:)♥♥♥
"Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is physics." -Darryl Anka